Step-by-Step Guide to Running Jekyll Minimal Mistake Blog on Windows

2 minute read

Jekyll is a fantastic tool for building static websites, and the Minimal Mistakes theme offers a professional, clean design for blogs. This guide will walk you through the steps to build, run, and deploy your Jekyll blog on Windows and host it on GitHub Pages.

Step 1: Install Ruby and Development Kit

  • Download and install Ruby+Devkit from RubyInstaller. During installation, ensure you select the option to add Ruby executables to your PATH.
  • Configure Ruby and the Development Kit:

     ridk install
  • Verify the installation:

     ruby --version
     gem --version

Step 2: Install Jekyll and Bundler

  • Install Bundler, the Ruby dependency manager:

     gem install bundler
  • Install Jekyll:

     gem install jekyll
  • Confirm the installation:

     jekyll --version

Step 3: Create Your Blog with Minimal Mistakes Theme

  • Clone the Minimal Mistakes starter repository:

     git clone my-blog
  • Navigate to your blog directory:

     cd my-blog
  • Install project dependencies:
     bundle install
  • Serve the blog locally to preview it:
     bundle exec jekyll serve
  • Open your browser and visit:

Step 4: Customize Your Blog

  • Update Configuration:
    Edit _config.yml to personalize your blog’s title, description, author, and other settings.

  • Add Posts:
    Add new blog posts in the _posts folder. Use the format:

*Customize Pages:
Create new pages (e.g., and link them in _config.yml.

Step 5: Deploy Your Blog to GitHub Pages

  1. Initialize a Git repository in your project directory:
    git init
    git add .
    git commit -m "Initial commit"
  2. Create a new repository on GitHub and link it to your local project:
    git remote add origin <repository-url>
    git branch -M main
    git push -u origin main
  3. Enable GitHub Pages:
    • Go to your GitHub repository’s Settings.
    • Under Pages, set the branch to main and the folder to / (root).
    • Save your changes.
  4. Your blog will be live at:

Build and deploy release for production

  • Go to the root direcotry of the project. Ex. My-blog
  • Open terminal and run command jekyll build site.url
  • Go to the site directory. Ex. My-blog/site
  • Copy the content of the site directory
  • Go to the root directory of the repository on GitHub. Ex.
  • Paste the content to the root directory
  • Commit and push the changes to the repository on GitHub both my-blog and
  • Now browse the site using:


  • Changing the Site URL for Production

    • You don’t need to manually change links when switching between development and production. Instead, set the “url” parameter in _config.yml.
    • This approach has two benefits:
      • When running jekyll serve, the site.url is set to http://localhost:4000.
      • When running jekyll build, the site.url is replaced with the domain name specified in _config.yml.
    • After building, deploy the contents of the _site directory to the root of your server where your domain points.


Deploying a Jekyll blog with the Minimal Mistakes theme on Windows is straightforward. With Ruby, Jekyll, and GitHub Pages, you can easily create, customize, and host a beautiful static website. Follow this guide to get your blog up and running today!